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Whole-Body Learning

Whole-Body Learning

Whole-Body Learning


Research has shown that movement and physical activity improves cognitive functioning and has been correlated with improved academic performance and long-term retention of information. But, most conventional classrooms haven’t been designed with movement in mind.


To accommodate whole-body learning practices, it’s vital to create environments conducive to different types of movement and activity. Spatial characteristics that should be considered when designing for whole-body learning include acoustics (i.e. sound dampening for groups working within a larger communal space), materiality (e.g. carpeted area would be optimal for sound absorption, and better for exercises where some students are sitting or lying on the ground while hard flooring may be preferred for larger, upright movements), and amount of privacy (some students may want an audience, i.e. a stage or raised platform, while others want to be out of sight from their peers in a smaller, more enclosed space).

Related Patterns Learning Studio, Learning Commons, Learning Walls, Multiple Intelligences

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