Appropriately named, Inspire Academies is a whole new kind of Charter school whose vision is best described by founding Superintendent Bruce Rockstroh: “I am more committed than ever to build and design the exemplary 21st century school that will become a model for learning around the world.” Anne Frank Inspire Academy is a Middle School opened in 2014. It features a completely retooled education system supported by a state-of-the-art building and campus based on research and best international practice. Fielding provided guidance not just in the design of the school, but in the educational program.
The design team decided that a connection to the outdoors would be a strong theme for all three schools. A student vegetable garden, nature trail, and elaborate tree house are just some of the features of this innovative campus. The Middle School is oriented around a Central Plaza with a variety of zones and bordered by a DaVnci Studio and several learning decks. The second floor overlooks the Plaza and contains a seminar room and lecture theater that can also be used for distance learning. An interesting element of this floor is the “Nest” a sheltered “Cave Space” for individual study and small groups.
Anne Frank Inspire Academy features local materials like limestone, timber and corrugated metal. The school blends into the surrounding campus, and allows students to relate to the nature around them even while inside.