Chappaqua Central School District – Elementary School Transformations

  • LocationChappaqua, New York, USA
  • TypeDistrict Master Plan / Renovations
  • SizeRoaring Brook Elementary - 4,000 SF / Westorchard Elementary - 2,600 SF / Grafflin Elementary - 3,800 SF

Transformations of existing libraries into Global Learning Centers and Makerspaces.

As part of the Master Plan also by Fielding, these three new Elementary Schools (grades K-5), Global Learning Centers are essentially 21st-century libraries with workspaces intentionally designed to address how students learn and collaborate in today’s world.

Flexible and adaptable spaces support varied instructional techniques promote student collaboration and research, and enhance virtual and face-to-face communication.

These centers have spaces where students can work in individualized research stations or collaborate in either open areas or smaller breakout rooms. The centers also incorporate outdoor instructional work areas.

In addition to print materials housed in stacks, included are individual and small group study areas, digital research resources, video teleconferencing, and streaming capability, and the flexibility to include new technologies as they emerge.

Designated makerspaces provide students with the tools and technology to envision, design, prototype and create following a design thinking process.

Design Patterns

STEAM Learning Community
Dispersed Technology
Agile Lab Space
Agile Spaces
Outdoor Project Space
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