Greenville County School District was ready to invest in a bold new concept – create a Middle School/High School building that would allow students to focus on STEM learning. The Greenville area is home to multiple regional headquarters centered on the biosciences, aviation and automotive industries, and the district was eager to create the opportunity for students to engage in real-world problem solving.
How can we inspire our students to explore real world problems and collaborate with our innovative local businesses?”
Fielding was selected as the Planning and Education Consultant, and Co-Architect for Greenville County School District’s new 750 student Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) middle school. This campus implements a 21st Century vision for STEM that integrated Arts and Design into STEM – the STEAM in the STEM – and treated the entire building and landscape as lab for student inquiry. Experts from industry and institutions can meet and mentor students as they work on their projects in the project commons on each floor. The project commons is outfitted with presentation technology for students and experts, whether they are in the room or connected by videoconference. Additionally, each project commons contains a prototype gallery for display of student work in progress, so that all can learn from work in progress and completed.