Fielding developed a holistic Master Plan to support the emerging vision of learning described in the International School of Düsseldorf’s (ISD) strategic plan. Our team facilitated a process to assess ISD’s current space and identify future needs to support their educational goals. This exercise gave agency to ISD’s vision and provided a road map to realize their plan.
The North Building pathfinder transforms underutilized space into an innovation hub. Through the Master Plan assessment process, an area below the library was identified as a periodic study space for IB students to prepare for exams. This highlighted an opportunity to enhance this experience for the students already using the space and to activate the overall area. The new innovation hub includes an innovation lab and an innovation study with a counseling and wellness suite strategically placed in between.
The innovation lab is a teaching space designed to support teaching teams of 3 to 4 teachers and their classes to create a new learning experience able to support various activities taking place simultaneously. The innovation study is the new and improved sub-library space, intentionally designed to support the needs of introverts and students who are looking for a quiet space to focus.
A counseling and wellness center places faculty and staff near IB/DP students as they utilize the adjacent spaces and navigate studying for exams, pursuing higher-level work, applying to college, and the general pressures of growing up.